Original Assemblage SOLD. Two of Pentacles April 2015 Dimensions: 7 1/2″ x 9″ x 1 12″ Materials: secondhand wooden plaque, nature-found deer bones, secondhand yarn, nature-found sticks, seocndhand moss The Two of Pentacles represents balancing multiple obligations and responsibilities in our lives, much like the scale in this card’s imagery. Reversed it can mean we’re out […]
Ten of Pentacles
Original Assemblage SOLD. Ten of Pentacles March 2015 Dimensions: 8″ x 5 1/2″ x 1 1/4″ Materials: secondhand wood plaque, secondhand and new acrylic paint, secondhand brass-colored earring, secondhand flowers, new snake vertebrae The Ten of Pentacles is a card of abundance, permanence, contentment, and the positive completion of a cycle or challenge. Reversed, it […]
Ace of Pentacles
Original Assemblage SOLD. Ace of Pentacles February 2015 Dimensions: 6″ x 5″ x 3 1/4″ Materials: secondhand wooden box, secondhand dried moss, secondhand artificial flowers, nature-found deer vertebra, new brass wire, new pewter pentacle charm new gold acrylic paint The Ace of Pentacles often announces the start of a new endeavor, particularly on a professional […]
Five of Pentacles
Original Assemblage SOLD. Five of Pentacles January 2015 Dimensions: 8″ x 10″ x 2 1/2″ Materials: secondhand canvas, new acrylic paint, nature-found deer vertebrae, new air plants, secondhand sand The Five of Pentacles represents material, particularly financial, ruin. Reversed it signifies that hard times may be almost over and help is on the way.
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