Original Assemblage SOLD. Queen of Swords November 2015 Dimensions:8 3/4″ x 4″ x 2 1/4″ Materials: secondhand puzzle board, new and secondhand acrylic paint, new resin replica red-tailed hawk skull The Queen of Swords is a card of intellect undistracted by emotions, direct forms of communication, and tough but fair judgement. Reversed, it may symbolize letting your […]
High Priestess
Original Assemblage For Sale Here. High Priestess November 2015 Dimensions: 24″ (diameter) x 6″ (depth) Materials: secondhand mirror, new Alaskan wolf skull, new and secondhand acrylic paint, nature-found crab carapace, new epoxy putty The High Priestess is the keeper of our wilder, more instinct-driven selves; not in a bestial, ugly way, but in being in true […]
King of Swords
Original assemblage is SOLD. King of Swords November 2015 Dimensions: 11″ x 9″ x 3″ Materials: secondhand wooden plaque, new beaver skull and tooth, secondhand moss, secondhand tack, nature-found sticks The King of Swords has honed his reason to the point where he only draws his sword when necessary, instead using years of wisdom and intelligence to build a […]
Original Assemblage SOLD. Tower November 2015 Dimensions:9″ x 4″ x 1 1/2″ Materials: secondhand wooden plaque, new European starling skull, nature-found twigs, new and secondhand acrylic paint A European starling’s nest falls to the ground after the thin twig it is built on snaps, representing the Tower’s premonitions of destruction and hubris gone wrong. Reversed, this card […]
Original Assemblage SOLD. Strength October 2015 Dimensions: 8″ x 8″ x 2 1/2″ Materials: secondhand wooden plaque, secondhand book page, secondhand brass chain, nature-found cat skull, nature-found grass, new wire An old cat skull with scars and broken teeth gives a surprising face to Strength–that of resilience and survival, cleverness and wisdom, rather than mere brute force. […]
Queen of Pentacles
Original Assemblage SOLD. Queen of Pentacles October 2015 Dimensions: 8 3/4″ x 8 3/4″ x 2 1/2″ Materials: secondhand wooden plaque, new opossum skull and vertebra, secondhand moss, secondhand aspen cones, new and secondhand acrylic paint The opossum may seem like a surprising choice for the Queen of Pentacles; however, this animal is a wonderful mother, keeping her […]
Page of Wands
Original Assemblage For Sale Here. Page of Wands September 2015 Dimensions: 7″ x 5″ x 2″ Materials: secondhand canvas board, new rabbit skull and foot bone, secondhand and new acrylic paint, new Sharpie The Page of Wands is about stating one’s intent before setting out to bring it to fruition, the creative spark that motivates change. Reversed, this […]
Original Assemblage SOLD. World September 2015 Dimensions: 11 3/4″ x 15 1/2″ x 4 1/4″ Materials: secondhand tray, new and secondhand acrylic paint, new resin replica hawksbill sea turtle skull, secondhand stones, secondhand plastic bag The World is a card of coming full circle, of travel and broader horizons; a new level of awareness and experience […]
Original Assemblage SOLD. Death September 2015 Dimensions: 4″ x 4″ x 2 1/2″ Materials: secondhand canvas, secondhand and new acrylic paint, new Mod Podge, new ball python shed, new rattlesnake skin One of the most infamous cards of the Tarot, Death most often refers to major, often sudden transitions of one sort or another, and not […]
Original Assemblage SOLD. Empress August 2015 Dimensions: 20″ x 14 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ Materials: secondhand wooden shelf, new doe skull, secondhand metal frame, new paper printout, secondhand faux flowers, secondhand metal chain, secondhand drawer pull, new and secondhand acrylic and tempera paint A whitetail doe embodies the abundant, fertile, nature-rooted energy of the Empress, who […]