Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!
Tooth: The tooth is heading steadily into the midst of summer. Now is the time to be open and full in your communication. You will need all the wise words and strength in your voice to achieve your goals, but you’ve spent a long time preparing for this, too. Let us hope that your words will bear fruit, and lead to constructive actions in your favor.
Vertebra: As this bone crosses from Fall into the very beginning of Winter, know that you have the resources that you need to help buoy you through the hard times that may be ahead. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re about to drop of the edge of the cliff. Rather, rest assured that when things get tough, you will have what you need in order to get through. Just don’t do anything too incredibly foolish in the meantime to set yourself off course, if at all possible.
Rib: Heading into Spring and shaking off the very last of Winter, this indicates a time for a renewal of emotions. Nothing ever stays the same, and while change can be disruptive it can also be an opportunity for a fresh start. Allow yourself to let go of the past and focus on the present. Bring your emotions into the moment, and let them flower into forms that speak to what you feel now, not yesterday or last year.
Long Bone: This bone is firmly in fall, and acts as a barrier to the vertebra potentially backsliding, as well as pushing it forward into the next season. Your momentum should be toward being prepared for the long haul, and don’t let any hitches with your resources keep you from focusing on that future. Even if you have to work a little harder to make very sure that you’re ready for what’s next, let your energy be poured into that effort.
Overview: It’s time to leave the past behind, and be present in the here and now. No more keeping silent about what needs to be done; no more squandering precious resources on things that are unnecessary. Instead, ground yourself in this moment, and affirm your desire to look forward, not back. Who knows what lies ahead? All that’s for sure is that you won’t be ready for it if you stay stuck in yesterday’s news.
You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!