Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!
Tooth: Spring has sprung, and that means potential new opportunities! Don’t leap at the first thing that comes your way, though. You’re experienced enough to know that appearances can be deceiving, and you only have so much of yourself to go around. Whether you’re investing time, money, emotions, or other resources, sit back and watch what happens as these possibilities start to come up. Look for those that look especially promising, with a firm foundation to support them.
Vertebra: This bone is crossing over from Spring to Summer. That means that you’re in a good place to take on the aforementioned opportunities. However, there’s risk associated with anything shiny and new and untried, so remember that whatever you choose is just getting started, and you shouldn’t expect it to support itself right away. Summer is a long three months between flower and fruit, and any number of things can go wrong in between. Be prepared to put a lot of effort into whatever you do, with the understanding that success and failure in varying degrees are all possibilities.
Rib: Firmly settled into Fall, this suggest a rich, well-established emotional life. You have matured enough to be able to handle the ups and downs of life, even if you haven’t always done so gracefully. You know how to ride the waves when things get stormy, and even if a few things get knocked down in the process you’re experienced in getting them put back to rights. Use that experience to help you weather any difficulties in new endeavors, and allow yourself to really celebrate and bask in your successes, because that’s what will help rebuild your resilience.
Long Bone: Right in the middle of Summer, this bone suggests that you’re ready and raring to move onto something exciting and new! You already know from what the other bones have said that you need to be highly selective in what avenue you choose, but once you’ve done so you’re prepared to put your all into it. That’s why it’s so important to be really discerning in your choices, so that you maximize your effectiveness instead of throwing yourself into something that’s a lost cause.
Overview: There’s not a lot to say here that I haven’t already covered. Choose wisely, and once it “clicks” into place, run with it. I bet you’ll see some good things come out of it, even if the way there isn’t completely smooth. Best of luck to you!
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