Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!
Tooth: The Tooth is just about done crossing over from Spring into Summer. You can feel confident in making choices toward a brighter future, even if you don’t feel quite confident in jumping in all the way. What you lay down as a foundation now will pay off later as things develop.
Vertebra: This bone is in Fall, headed toward Winter. That suggests you may be feeling like you need to hold off on a lot of spending, and instead save what you’ve got. While this is a wise move, remember that you are allowed to use your saved resources at times when things are lean.
Rib: Right on the boundary between Winter and Spring, the Rib says that you may have feelings of hesitation toward making changes. It’s okay to feel worry and concern, especially when there are things to be legitimately anxious about. Just don’t let that hold you back from making potentially positive moves.
Long Bone: Close on the heels of the Tooth, the Long Bone is in Spring, just about to start crossing over into Summer. Even if you are worried, you’re ready to follow up your decisions with actions, even if you’re just on the cusp of making changes happen.
Overview: Overall, it looks as though you have some potential moves to make that could bring changes to your life. You aren’t entirely confident in yourself, and you aren’t as prepared as you’d like, but you still have the chance to succeed as you go along. Just be mindful of shifting factors as you move forward, and you may find more solid ground ahead.
You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!