Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 4-15-22

Today’s Tarot of Bones Daily Draw is the Hanged Man. My readings this week have been pointing a lot toward slowing down and taking time to rest. You should also use this time to reflect, and see whether your path is really going where you need or want it to. By doing this assessment, you are looking for whatever may no longer serve you, or even what could be threatening your progress. And by excising these things, or at least adjusting to them, you make your success more likely.

You can order the Tarot of Bones deck and book, or purchase a Tarot of Bones reading, at http://thetarotofbones.com/shop/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 4-14-22

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is settled firmly in Fall, suggesting that you should be planning to slow down and set aside whatever resources you have leftover for the future. You’ve put in a lot of effort, and it’s been paying off, but don’t let your success lead you to overdoing it. Instead, whether you need to be saving money, energy, or time, give yourself the opportunity to hang onto something for a rainy day.

Vertebra: This bone is way over in Spring. You may feel that your everyday life is opening up to some new possibilities and that you should jump on them now. However, remember that Spring is still often a lean time; flowers are not as edible as fruits, after all. And while your situation is improving, you don’t want to squander what you’ve managed to put aside, so just cool your jets for now.

Rib: On the cusp of Summer and Fall, you’re definitely feeling some accomplishment and pride, and well you should! It’s okay to bask in your achievements; too often we’re discouraged from being “too prideful” even when we’re just being justifiably happy about something good. So allow yourself to glow; it’s not every day that you have such a sense of victory!

Long Bone: On the boundary of Fall and Winter, your actions are saying that you’re ready for a break. And really, that’s the best thing for you. Everyone deserves downtime, and if you’ve managed to carve out some time for yourself, don’t fritter it away with creating unnecessary busy-ness. Instead, let yourself unwind and unfold a bit so that you can recuperate and be ready for whatever’s next.

Overview: You know how they tell you not to rest on your laurels? Well, now you actually get to do that! You don’t have to fill every waking moment with activity, and really it’s not good for you to never take a break except when you sleep. So make the most of a windfall of resources by taking time to relax, and setting something aside for the future so that you’re not just constantly spinning your wheels.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 4-12-22

Today’s Tarot of Bones Daily Draw is the Seven of Pentacles, reversed. This is a good sign that you’re feeling directionless in your life, professional and otherwise. Maybe you feel like you don’t have a long-term goal, or that the thing you were working toward isn’t a viable option any more. This could breed depression and angst, so you need to be mindful of your mental health during this difficult existential time. Your best bet may be to take a step back, breathe, and then rethink your trajectory to the best of your ability.

You can order the Tarot of Bones deck and book, or purchase a Tarot of Bones reading, at http://thetarotofbones.com/shop/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 4-11-22

Today’s Tarot of Bones Daily Draw is the High Priestess. Learn to be still today. Allow yourself to let the deep knowings within rise to the surface. I know it’s easier said than done for a lot of us, because our minds are so busy thinking and planning and chattering. So don’t expect perfection out of yourself, especially if you’re easily distracted. But do see if you can catch a few glimmers of understanding amid the activity.

You can order the Tarot of Bones deck and book, or purchase a Tarot of Bones reading, at http://thetarotofbones.com/shop/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 2-14-22

Today’s Tarot of Bones Daily Draw is the Four of Cups, reversed. Sometimes our brains like to lie to us, and one of the biggest is all about rejection. if your brain is telling you no one likes you, people only tolerate you, etc. you need to see through its deception. You are deserving of love and attention, and pushing it away won’t help you to experience that acceptance.

You can order the Tarot of Bones deck and book, or purchase a Tarot of Bones reading, at http://thetarotofbones.com/shop/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 2-11-22

Today’s Tarot of Bones Daily Draw is Strength. You are better than you know, and have survived much. Give yourself credit for the resilience that brought you here, even as you acknowledge that we are all part of a system that often burdens people unequally. Do what you can with what you have; you can’t save the world all by yourself, but by becoming the best version of yourself that you can realistically be, you are making your corner of the world brighter.

You can order the Tarot of Bones deck and book, or purchase a Tarot of Bones reading, at http://thetarotofbones.com/shop/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 2-10-22

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is crossing over from Fall to Winter, curled right up against the Rib. This suggests that you’re feeling emotionally drained and need to rest, and that your actions reflect that fatigue. You need to try to reduce as many obligations as possible, and get better at saying “no” and defending your boundaries.

Vertebra: This bone is in Spring. While there are some possibilities for a better future resource-wise, you aren’t there yet. You’re still recovering from tough times, and you don’t have as much to offer as you would like. Be prudent in sharing whatever physical resources you have, and put your own health and security first for now.

Rib: Sitting right up with the Tooth on the cusp of Fall and Winter, this bone suggests stress, depression, and other emotional states that can seriously sap your strength. Be easy on yourself; you have limits to what you’re capable of handling right now, and you don’t want to make things worse if at all possible.

Long Bone: Crossing over from Spring into Summer, the Long Bone necessitates having to take at least some actions to keep yourself from completely collapsing. I know it’s not easy, but you can’t stop entirely. So do the bare minimum you need to get by, and focus the rest of your time on rest and recuperation.

Overview: You definitely aren’t in the best condition of your life, but it’s for understandable reasons. You need to arrange things as best as you can so that you can take care of yourself, and call in reinforcements if you’re able. There’ll be time enough in the future for growth and adventure; right now, the key word is “healing”.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 2-9-22

Today’s Tarot of Bones Daily Draw is Judgment. You are on the cusp of change, if you only allow yourself to take that last step. You’ve put in the work, and you’ve grown so much as a person! It only remains for you to tie off the last loose ends, and make sure you leave this old stage as neat as possible, making you more ready for adventures ahead.

You can order the Tarot of Bones deck and book, or purchase a Tarot of Bones reading, at http://thetarotofbones.com/shop/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 2-8-22

Today’s Tarot of Bones Daily Draw is the Ace of Pentacles. There is a new opportunity for growth on the horizon, and it could end up being profitable. But like a new seed, you need to tend it carefully, and make sure you plant it in good conditions. Remember, too, that you will have to account for factors outside of your control. With luck and work, though, you just might be able to make something of this!

You can order the Tarot of Bones deck and book, or purchase a Tarot of Bones reading, at http://thetarotofbones.com/shop/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 2-3-22

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is in Fall, but just touching the border with Winter. You’ve been doing a lot lately, and it looks like you may be experiencing some burnout. You’re ready for rest, and your choices reflect your fatigue. You may not be acting from a fully grounded perspective because of this, so it’s crucial that you downshift as much as you’re able to.

Vertebra: This bone is deep in Winter. You’re going to need to learn to work with what you’ve got for now, because there’s not going to be extra any time soon. It’ll be tough, but sometimes the best you can do is abide. Don’t make any sudden moves, especially anything that demands more time, money, or other resources than you’re already expending.

Rib: The Rib is in Spring; while this may seem like a good sign, Spring is often a dangerous time as Winter’s reserves have mostly run out, but Summer’s growth has not yet returned. If you’re feeling emotionally wrung out there’s good reason for it. Change will happen, but not right now, so do what you can to patch up your emotions until then.

Long Bone: Right next to the Tooth in Fall, and falling off the edge of the cloth, the Long Bone warns that you’re pushing yourself too hard and heading toward serious problems if you continue on the way you are. You need to correct your course, learn to say no more often, and change your behaviors so that you conserve as many resources as you can.

Overview: Times are tough, and everything seems lean. This is not a time for risky ventures or taking on more responsibilities. You need to be like the bison, circling around what’s most vulnerable in your life and standing firm to protect yourself. There will be time for running later; for now, hold your ground and wait until danger has passed.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!