I just uploaded pictures of my newest assemblage piece–the Two of Wands! I’m quite proud of this piece; it’s one of the nicest paintings I’ve done. And the two gray wolf fibulae create an inviting archway into the sunrise-lit dawn. It’s a positive card, to be sure, full of the excitement of a new adventure or other endeavor. However, it’s also a reminder to make sure you’re fully prepared for the experience. Reversed it can be a warning you’ve forgotten something, or that you’re sabotaging your efforts to get going. Take a few moments to focus and check your list again, then set your feet confidently on the path.
I also made a post at my blog, A Sense of Natural Wonder, that may be of interest to Tarot of Bones fans. Plastics, Resins and Foams: On Trying to Be an Eco-Friendly Artist in an Era of Synthetics talks about the environmental reasons I have for using real bones and hides in my work rather than synthetic alternatives, which goes well beyond this project.
And, as always, the Tarot of Bones IndieGoGo is still live through May 19 – if you haven’t yet backed this campaign to help me defray the significant costs for the Tarot of Bones, now’s a great time. We’re 165% funded at $8265, but the more, the merrier