Four Days and a Thousand Dollars to Go!


Hey, folks–there are only FOUR DAYS LEFT on the Tarot of Bones IndieGoGo–and we still have a thousand bucks left to hit the goal! If you’ve been thinking about backing it, now’s a great time to do so! As a reminder you can get the deck and book pre-ordered, as well as Tarot of Bones prints and t-shirts, a handmade leather pouch, even an original assemblage from the Tarot of Bones. And if we hit that $5000 goal I’ll be offering an exclusive online class on how to use the Tarot of Bones only for backers of this campaign.

So what are ya waiting for? Click here to back the Tarot of Bones Spring 2016 IndieGoGo Campaign! And tell folks you know who may be interested–share the link, reblog this post, etc. 🙂 Thank you!

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