Want a Tarot of Bones T-shirt?


Hey folks! So there’s about three weeks left in the Tarot of Bones Spring 2016 IndieGoGo Campaign, and we’re over halfway funded. To celebrate, I just added a new perk–t-shirts! That’s right–you can now pre-order a t-shirt with the Tarot of Bones Magician card printed on it! The sample image shown on the main campaign site is just a mock-up to test the printer’s quality; the final version will use the better quality photograph used for the card itself. I’ll ask your size preference after the campaign is done.

The perk is offered as a stand-alone, rather than as a package with a deck and book, so that those who have already claimed a deck and book can add on the shirt if they like. Want to get in on this awesomeness? Head on over here to go to the campaign: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-tarot-of-bones-2016-campaign/x/9997962

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