Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 5-16-17

Today’s Tarot of Bones daily draw is the Seven of Cups, reversed. Analysis paralysis seems to be a common thing lately, where you’re so overwhelmed by choices that you can’t pick just one! It’s especially frustrating if you know you need to get a bunch of things done and are wasting time waffling instead of working. So close your eyes, reach out, and grab onto whatever task you touch first, and get going with it! Or pick the one with the nearest deadline. Or the one that’s going to take the least amount of time. However you do it, pick on and then pretend the rest don’t exist til that one is done. Wash, rinse, repeat.

Don’t forget–you can order the Tarot of Bones now at https://thetarotofbones.com/shop/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

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