Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!
Tooth: This bone is firmly in Winter. Be mindful of your words today, and don’t promise more than you can reasonably deliver. In fact, you may wish to get more acquainted with the term “No” for a while. You need to be able to preserve what energy and attention you have for matters closer to home, rather than spreading your promises far and wide, and yourself too thinly.
Vertebra: The Vertebra is solidly in Summer, and it overlays the end of the Long Bone. You’re not running low on basic resources, but you should be focused on growth rather than giving away. The time will come when you can share more, but you need to have something to share. So just work on regenerating your stocks and making sure that you’re solid, and don’t worry about being selfish. You’ll be better able to care for others once your own house is in order, so to speak.
Rib: Welp. This one’s all over the place, bridging Spring, Summer AND Fall. I know you may be feeling like you’re pulled in a whole bunch of different directions emotionally right now, and that’s completely understandable! Don’t try to align all those feelings, though. Instead, sit with them wherever they may be at any given moment, and expect plenty of fluctuation. You are completely justified in how and what you feel, so don’t be ashamed of the internal waves.
Long Bone: This bone is in Summer, but just barely crossing over into Fall, with the Vertebra resting on its end. I know you may want to take some action right now, but your common sense is holding you back. Listen to it, okay? You already have a lot in front of you that needs to be dealt with first, so let that be your priority.
Overview: I know right now seems like the best time to take action on behalf of others, and there WILL come a time to do so. But for now, you have a lot going on in your own life that needs attending to, so focus on that, and be patient. If you are in better condition, you will be more able to help others in the future. If you try to go out and be everything to everyone right now, you’re not going to be as effective and you may do yourself some harm in the process.
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