Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!
Tooth: The Tooth is sitting quite comfortably in Summer, which means it’s a good time to be planning for growth and improvement. Anything you do needs to have an eye toward the future, not just the present, because what you do today will have effects for tomorrow. It also means that you may have been short-sighted in the past, and you really need to address that immediately if you’re going to be able to set a course going forward.
Vertebra: The bone is bridging the boundary between Summer and Fall, with the Rib on top of it (we’ll get to that one in a minute.) The circumstances that give your life context–home, work, health, etc.–are all poised for a very good change, one that would allow you to be more prepared for a tough Winter ahead in relative comfort. But you may be hesitant, feeling like you’re not ready yet. “But what about THIS detail? And I don’t feel 100% confident about THAT.” Part of what’s complicating things is…
Rib: …your emotions. What fear is getting in your way? How may anxiety about things going wrong be setting you up for failure? Your emotions are creating a filter over your perspective of the practicalities in your life, and you may be worrying more than you need to. Yes, the Tooth is saying you need to address any areas in your life that may need to be tidied up a bit, but don’t obsess over it too much. The perfect is the enemy of the good.
Long Bone: Bridging Fall and Winter, the Long Bone says it’s time to prepare for settling in and resting. You have the resources you need, and you’ve worked so hard! You deserve a chance to take a load off for a bit. it doesn’t mean you have to drop everything forever and lose your momentum. But you can coast for a bit and be more ready for whatever will be ahead of you.
Overview: You’re being your own worst enemy here! I know you want to make sure you do things right, but if you get too caught up in the details you’re not gonna go anywhere. So take a deep breath, and let your worries go to the back burner for a bit. Assess the situation with as practical an eye as you can (it’s okay to get an outside perspective if that helps), deal with whatever loose ends need to be attended to, and then focus on setting yourself up for a future that will keep you and yours as sustained as possible in rough times to come.
You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!