Today’s Fall Equinox Skull Scrying comes from Roe Deer. Here is what he had to say:
I feel the blood pumping through my veins; I feel my strength wax, and I long to clash antlers with my foes and find a mate as well. Though the days shorten and the nights grow chill, I am driven by the heat within me. I prepare all year for this moment, a defiant cry against the coming winter, and a promise for a fertile spring full of new life. The year cycles onward, and I know not whether I will live to see the days lengthen, for time is never promised to any being. So I make the most of the moment, grateful for this day and my place within it.
What will you make of this moment? The past is gone and done, the future is yet to open, but as you live and breathe right now, be aware of who you are and what you are doing. Even if you are at some menial task, something you would rather not be doing, take a moment to marvel at the life that floods your cells, the heat of your body, the molecules that sing of the birth of the universe yet. Remember that you are here in the heartbeat of the universe–here and gone–and is it not amazing that against all odds, you were here nonetheless?
Do not let this be a fear of death, but a celebration of life! For the long heat of the summer is calming down to embers, and the forest is resting. Rest is as much a part of living as anything else, and it helps make the waking hours more fruitful. Find ways to appreciate the experience of rest and recuperation, rather than always feeling guilty that you aren’t accomplishing more. You are still a living, warm mammal, and you deserve to take care of yourself.
Yes, we are easing into the waning of the year, and it may seem sad. But even as one cycle winds to a close, another begins. There is always the opportunity to create something new, every moment of every day. Do you not make resolutions at the beginning of your year, which occurs in the chill of winter? The fruits of the trees may offer you energy on a new path that allows you opportunities never seen before. Or they may simply fuel you as you continue to walk a trail that you have long since begun, but are far from completing. Either way, enjoy the view as you move through space and time.
Finally, even should a cycle come to a close–and that includes the great, weighty ones full of meaning–you do not need to enter that time with defeat. Burn brightly in the autumn eve, like the leaves upon the trees. Feel the beat of your heart, and the breeze against your face. And know that every ending has new beginnings that need not necessarily wait for the spring to return.
You can order my book Skull Scrying: Animal Skulls in Divinatory Trance, at https://thegreenwolf.com/books/skull-scrying/ – and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!