New Pentacles, and an IndieGoGo Update



Hey, all! So it’s been a heck of a week! I got through a quadruple-booked weekend, then experienced a hard drive crash on my main desktop, then developed a respiratory infection. Despite all that, I managed to complete two more assemblage pieces–the Two and Three of Pentacles.

The Two is one of my favorite cards in general because I resonate with it so much. It’s the concept of balancing responsibilities and obligations, and as someone who’s got a lot of projects and events on my plate, maintaining that balance is tricky at times. Like the bones in the assemblage piece, some of these responsibilities have more weight than others at any given time, but the scale can also tip in the other direction, too.

The Three was a more challenging card to create. I am inspired a fair bit by the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, and the Three of Pentacles in that deck involves a young architect consulting with church officials on a holy building’s construction. I really like the card’s associations with collaboration, though, so I thought of the three vertebrae as scaffolding to build the stone structure around the outside. The fossilized ammonite at the top is the keystone just laid into place, representing a successful completion of the project.

So–IndieGoGo news! In just a couple of days the campaign has reached $3,827–which means it’s 77% funded!!! I have been absolutely stunned by this; I was not expecting this much positive response to the Tarot of Bones. I’m not complaining, mind you! Just the opposite; I’m exceptionally grateful to all of you who have funded the campaign, and everyone who has passed the link on to other people.

And just as a reminder, those of you in the Portland, OR area are welcome to join me at my Tarot of Bones party at Paxton Gate! It’ll be this Friday from 6pm – 8pm – more information here.

2 thoughts on “New Pentacles, and an IndieGoGo Update

  1. Sam says:

    I love both pieces! I wonder if you used Coyote vertebrae (the great balancer between work and play)?
    On a side note, I just contributed to your indiegogo campaign- whoot!
    I hope others will continue to reach out and exceed all your expectations! Here’s to hoping that you collect many more fabulous bones and meet many more amazing animal spirits in the process!
    Brightest Blessings!

    • lupa says:

      My apologies for not replying sooner–I didn’t get a notification email for this!

      First of all, thank you for backing the IndieGoGo campaign; I really appreciate the support. The vertebrae for these two pieces are all whitetail deer, which have a balance of their own, between gentleness and aggression.

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