The Nine of Swords is a card with which I have all too much experience. It represents worry and anxiety, and the sleepless nights that they can create. As someone living with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, while I do a lot of self-care and other management, I have still had too many times when I’ve awakened in the wee hours in the morning and couldn’t get back to sleep because my mind latched on to some worry or another. Instead of peaceful stars in the sky over the landscape, this card shows chewing, gnashing teeth, ready to gnaw away at my sleep.
I admit it was cathartic to create this piece, though. It gives more of a face to that experience, and even attributes something beautiful to it. Sometimes I’m able to talk myself through the worry before it gets too bad; other times I come up with solutions, and the resulting peace of mind lets me go back to sleep. So it’s not uniformly bad; I just need to be able to manage my relationship to it.
Just a reminder–the Tarot of Bones IndieGoGo is still going for another 24 days! We’re less than $1,500 away from the next stretch goal–at $9,000 I’ll be planning a Livestream workshop on how to use the Tarot of Bones after the deck and book are out, exclusively for IndieGoGo backers. And although I am exceptionally grateful the campaign is now 150% funded, every dollar counts toward helping me get closer to breaking even on the many costs of this monumental project. So if you haven’t had a chance to back this campaign yet, today’s a great day to change that! And please share the link with other people who may be interested–word of mouth is VERY important. Thank you!
I actually take pleasure in reading your blog post Nine of Swords | The Tarot of Bones.
Many thanks
Glad you enjoyed it.