Tarot of Bones Daily Draw – 3-22-17

Today’s Tarot of Bones daily draw is the Happy Squirrel. To me, this card represents the intersection of chance and choice. Not all factors in our lives are under our control. Some days we may feel like an unlucky squirrel staring down a car barreling towards her at high speeds. But we always have some choice in what we do, even if those choices are limited. And though our actions may not seem to make sense at first, over time we find out their purpose. The squirrel spends much of its life darting quickly out of the way of perceived danger, even if there’s no threat actually there, and her flightiness may seem silly to us. But when she’s about to get run over, the speed and responsiveness she’s cultivated over her lifetime comes in quite handy indeed! So today, be like that squirrel–find the sense in the nonsensical, and you just may discover a lifesaving answer.

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