Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!
Tooth: The Tooth is curled up next to the Vertebra in Spring. This suggests that your words say that you’re willing to wait just a little longer while the situations you are waiting for take their time to shift and change and complete. When others talk about plans for the future, you state that the future will be here in time, and that it’s best to be patient. After all, Spring flowers do signal that change is occurring, but they are the promise of fruition, not fruition itself, so it’s not yet time to harvest.
Vertebra: This bone is also in Spring. Your resources are actually wearing thin; it’s been a tough, long Winter, and you need to make what you have last just a little while longer. Spring can sometimes be the most dangerous time, because it’s all too easy to be lulled into a sense of security by the lengthening days and warmer weather. While there may be a few new options available, they aren’t the full flush of Summer’s growth just yet, and if you run out, you don’t have enough options to keep going.
Rib: And a third bone in Spring. You’re worn out, I understand that. With all that you’ve been through, it’s no surprise that you don’t have a lot of patience or resilience left. You’re having trouble finding space to rest and recover, and even when you are able to slow down a bit, it’s not enough to get rid of that persistent ache inside. There is hope on the horizon, but it can’t come fast enough for you.
Long Bone: This is the outlier, sitting in Fall. You know you should be taking more reserved actions, and yet here you are, acting as though everything is full and flush and hearty. Maybe you’ve lost control because you’re just so tired and you want something to make you feel better. Or maybe you’re just tired of living in starvation mode. Either way, you’re on the path to sabotaging yourself, and putting all that you’ve sacrificed for at risk.
Overview: Listen, it’s been hell for a lot of us lately; you aren’t alone. But you need to hold out just a little while longer. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, but we have to make it to that end before we can bask in its glory. Shake yourself off, and hang on for the last leg of this ordeal. It won’t be easy, but it’ll be worth the patience in the end.
You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!