Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 2-3-21

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is in Spring, all by its lonesome. What’s making you hesitate? You have things you need to do, but your executive functioning may not be at 100% right now, even compared to your usual self. Is there something in particular that’s making it hard for you to focus? Are you afraid of what might happen? Whatever’s going on, you aren’t going to make much progress if you can’t get yourself off the starting line in the first place.

Vertebra: This bone is in Summer. You know the time is right to act. Things have fallen into place, and you have allies ready and waiting to help you. You have the safety net you need, and you know not to make rash decisions. You even have a good chance of improving your lot if you take advantage of the opportunity before you.

Rib: This bone is in Summer, just crossing over into Fall. Deep down you know that things will be okay if you take this chance, but there’s a bit of doubt that something could go wrong and you need to be prepared. While it’s okay to have a plan for the future, you can’t get to the future very well if you don’t address the present. And right now the present is full of potential that you so dearly want to be able to embrace! You just need to get over that “what if” fear.

Long Bone: This bone is in Fall. You’re behaving as though you’re about to go into a time of hardship and need. True, anything can happen, and emergencies do arise sometimes out of the blue. But if you only ever allow yourself to act defensively and reactively, you’re not going to be able to explore new territory unless you’re forced into it. So you really need to assess whether your behaviors really need to be this cautious.

Overview: What I’m seeing is a definite hesitancy that’s likely caused by some fear or other concern about the future, and unless you address it you’re going to miss out on what’s happening right now. There’s nothing wrong with having backup plans, but you’re so stuck on them that you’re letting the days pass by without really getting anything done. Stop letting the fear of “what could go wrong”–and whatever other mental blocks you’re dealing with–get in your way. Deal with them as best as you can, and then get going! There’s a lot out there waiting for you, if you just go to meet it!

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 1-27-21

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is settled firmly in Summer. You want to make things happen, and the time is ripe! All those things you’ve been thinking about getting around to? Well, get going on them! You will, of course, want to have a plan rather than leaping in with no direction, but don’t get so wrapped up in the planning that you run out of time and energy for the actual execution thereof. And remember to pace yourself so as to avoid burnout!

Vertebra: This is the only bone all by its lonesome in Winter. However, don’t see it as a setback. Instead, what it’s saying is that you’ve already brought in the harvest, and you have plenty to get you through the lean times. Be sensible about how you use your money, time, energy, and other resources, but also allow yourself to thrive, not just survive. You have things you want to accomplish, and if you keep a good balance, you’ll be able to make them happen without running the coffers dry.

Rib: This bone is tucked up against the Long Bone in Summer. This shows that you are eager to make things happen, and that this creativity is making you happy! And if this is what it takes to boost your mood after the year we just had (and, in some ways, are still having) then by all means, go for it. Allow yourself to really enjoy the process, even if there are parts that are frustrating or otherwise difficult. You have the emotional resilience to weather the rough spots and still be able to ride the wave of joy.

Long Bone: This bone is mostly in Summer, but with the trailing end still in Spring. You may still have a bit of hesitancy in your movement, and you need to figure out what’s holding you back. Are you feeling concerned that you won’t be able to carry out your plans successfully? Or are you worried that the past isn’t as over as you’d like it to be and you don’t want it to come back and bite you? Maybe you legitimately do have some loose ends to tie up before you can really focus on the future, and that’s okay. Just do what you need to do to shake off the last of what’s keeping you tied down, and then you can focus on the road ahead.

Overview: Notice how the Long Bone, Rib and Tooth are all clustered together. This suggests that your head, heart, and action are all aligned in purpose, though the Long Bone says you need to make sure you get a clean start on this endeavor. Still, things are favorable, and the Vertebrae assures you that as long as you’re sensible you have the reserves to make this happen. Overall, this is a very positive reading that’s encouraging you to go for it, whatever it may be!

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 1-22-21

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth fell directly in the center of the cloth. That suggests that you’re having a difficult time making decisions. You may be confused and unsure of what to do, or you may have so many options that you feel overwhelmed. Or you may just not have enough confidence or knowledge to make a choice, good or bad. So before you do anything you’re going to have to clear your head and focus, first and foremost.

Vertebra: This bone has just crossed over into Spring. While it does mean that good changes are in the offing, they aren’t here yet, and you would be ill-advised to act as though everything is better now. You still need to maintain the course you’ve been taking, especially in light of the Tooth’s confusion, and perhaps even rein things in a little more just to be safe. You don’t want to find yourself falling off the side of the trail because you weren’t able to see where you were going.

Rib: This bone is in Summer. Your heart wants things to go well and be alright, and that’s understandable. You’re just going to have to understand that that ideal isn’t where reality is right at this moment. That’s no reason to give up hoping, though! You have good goals to work toward, and you should keep striving for them. You just need to be aware of the field you’re playing in and plan accordingly once things are a little clearer.

Long Bone: This bone is also in Spring. You’re motivated for change, and that’s good! But again, the Tooth is getting in the way. So just like I said with the Vertebra, maintain your current course of action, and perhaps play a little more cautiously until the situation around you becomes more favorable. At this point you’ve got enough to get through if you’re smart about it; just pace yourself and you’ll be fine.

Overview: There’s where you are, and where you want to be. The problem is that the course between the two is very murky indeed, and you really aren’t sure where the best path is. I also know there’s a lot you would love to leave behind and you’re eager for a fresh start. However, you’re in no condition to be making rash decisions right now. Stay the course, and stop to look around and get oriented if you need to. As your vision of the future becomes clearer you can pick up the pace some, but for now be really, really careful.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 1-15-21

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is firmly in Summer. Time to start speaking up for yourself! You have certain needs that aren’t being met, and if you don’t vouch for yourself, who else will? You don’t need to necessarily be biting in your words; use diplomacy and you’ll find a more receptive audience. (There are more people who will support you than you think anyway!)

Vertebra: This one has crossed over from Winter into Spring, barely. This likely is pointing to the unmet needs themselves. You need to be relentless in advocating for yourself, because you’ve been through a hell of a time and your resources are running low. While things may be looking up for the future, you can’t wait for that future to arrive. You need help now.

Rib: This is alongside the Tooth in Summer. It suggests that you know deep in your heart of hearts that your cause is real, and that there is no internal conflict about what you need. Just remember that, like with the Tooth, you need to temper your emotions when communicating your needs. You may be having a lot of strong feelings, and not all of them friendly or nice (but definitely valid), and unleashing them unfiltered onto others may very well prove to be counterproductive.

Long Bone: The Long Bone is mostly in Spring, but with its trailing end in Winter, and appearing to strain toward Summer. This bridging suggests that where you are and where you want to be are two very different places, and you’re stuck in the middle trying to figure out the best path there. You’re doing your very best, but you’re going to have to work out how to get the barriers out of your way.

Overview: Looks like you may have a bit of a struggle on your hands here. You are absolutely justified in what you want, but you’re going to need to use wisdom and tact to actually get it. While there are things that are in your way, you do have allies, if you can communicate effectively with them. Don’t overthink it, but don’t rush it, either. Do your best to find a balance while keeping things moving along.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Reading – 1-8-21

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is firmly planted in Summer, which bodes well for your decision-making processes. You’re really on a role and you feel inspired, and some recent successes have you feeling ready for more! Just remember that you’re still growing and learning, and you may still meet with some obstacles here and there. But you’re in a good place to deal with them, and you have the focus and skill to succeed, if you pace yourself right.

Vertebra: This bone is on the cusp of Fall and Winter. While you may be super-motivated to create new things, remember that your resources are finite and you need to make them last a while. That doesn’t mean you can’t draw on them, of course; Fall was a time of harvest and fruitfulness, and Winter is a time to let the fields lie fallow. So you have something to work with, but remember that it may be a bit before the next windfall. So be smart about what you have to work with, and don’t go overboard.

Rib: The rib is right next to the Tooth in Summer, which suggests that your heart and head are in the same place. Whatever has you motivated is making you happy, even amid the chaos that may be going on around you. Use that to your advantage; let that joy and excitement be a refuge from the stress of the world. It doesn’t mean you’re going to permanently ignore your problems. It just means you have a place to go to get away from them for a little bit so you can recharge.

Long Bone: This bone is mostly in Summer, but with the tail end in Spring. This suggests that while you feel ready to move forward with whatever your endeavor or interest may be, you still have a few loose ends up need to tie up before you can make a clean break. Make very sure you’ve attended to them as much as you possibly can, and only then should you make your move forward. You’ll have a much easier time of it that way.

Overview: Sounds like at least one thing in your life is going right! And overall things look favorable for you to cultivate it and grow it into something bigger. Just make sure you’ve really prepared yourself for it, and that you don’t tunnel-vision on it so much that you suddenly find that you’re out of energy, time, will, money, or whatever other resources you need to make things happen. With a little planning and a sharp eye on your progress, you should do well.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 12-31-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is well into Winter, far ahead of the other bones. While you may feel pretty prepared for anything right now, you really need to be planning for the future and putting out feelers for possibilities that you’ll need in the months and even years ahead. After all, the resources you have now will only last so long, and change is the only constant, so it’s best to be ready for any contingency.

Vertebra: You may feel like you have a good handle on your everyday life, but there’s a lot that still needs time to grow, as the Vertebra in Summer suggests. And there’s no rushing the process, either, especially as you get closer to the conclusion. You don’t want things to be incomplete, because then they won’t be as stable. Be as patient as you’re able to be.

Rib: Your heart wants you to be comfortable and full of joy, and there’s nothing wrong with that! The Rib in Fall suggests emotional maturity and a readiness for good things. And those good things will come, if you just let them fall into place. This openness to plenty allows you to be receptive to the most positive things life has to offer; just make sure that your emotions don’t overrule your common sense.

Long Bone: Crossing over from Fall into Winter, this bone suggests that you may be moving into tougher times, hence your need to find security for the future. Tread carefully, but know that the work you have put into things will come to fruition. It’s just going to be a delicate balance between waiting for factors outside of your control to take their places, and making sure that you yourself are taken care of in the moment.

Overview: What a quandary! There’s where you are, and where you want to be, and all the space in between. It may be touch and go for a while until things shift more in your favor, but you have put a lot into motion. You’re just going to have to hang on and hope for the best while also planning for less desirable possibilities in the meantime. Just remember that no matter what happens, things will not always be this challenging.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 12-23-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is primarily in Winter, but *just* beginning to move over into Spring. You don’t have a lot of resources to work with, and you’re going to need to be very careful in your decisions regarding using them. I know that hope is on the horizon, and you will get there, but you need to make sure that between now and then you maintain caution.

Vertebra: This bone is firmly planted in Winter. This echoes what the Tooth said in that these are still lean times. You may wish you had more to work with, but this is what you’ve got. You’re going to have to make it last, because even when things start to improve in some areas of your life, it’s going to be a while before you’re well and truly recovered. That means continuing to behave as though everything is scarce and at risk until such time as you are really immersed in plenty.

Rib: Situated in Summer, this suggests that you have the emotional strength to weather these difficult times. You may not always be at ease, but you can find ways to keep yourself buoyed. Play to this strength in order to counteract the stress of everything that’s going on around you, and you’ll have an easier time of it. The world will be hard enough on you; you don’t need to add to what it’s piling on you by being mean to yourself.

Long Bone: This bone is in Fall, just approaching Winter. Your actions need to reflect the difficulty around you. You’ve done your very best to surround yourself with whatever resources you can find, whether that’s finances, friends and family, spiritual practices, etc. Now you need to focus on maintaining what you’ve got rather than trying to grow more. The time will come to take action on growth, but this isn’t that time.

Overview: I think the message is pretty clear: sit tight. This difficulty won’t last forever, but you need to be smart about how you go about getting through it. You only have so much of yourself to go around, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. So use what you’ve got wisely, and don’t overextend yourself. That way when things do ease up again, you’ll be in a better position to make the most of those opportunities.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 12-18-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is sitting quite comfortably in Summer, which means it’s a good time to be planning for growth and improvement. Anything you do needs to have an eye toward the future, not just the present, because what you do today will have effects for tomorrow. It also means that you may have been short-sighted in the past, and you really need to address that immediately if you’re going to be able to set a course going forward.

Vertebra: The bone is bridging the boundary between Summer and Fall, with the Rib on top of it (we’ll get to that one in a minute.) The circumstances that give your life context–home, work, health, etc.–are all poised for a very good change, one that would allow you to be more prepared for a tough Winter ahead in relative comfort. But you may be hesitant, feeling like you’re not ready yet. “But what about THIS detail? And I don’t feel 100% confident about THAT.” Part of what’s complicating things is…

Rib: …your emotions. What fear is getting in your way? How may anxiety about things going wrong be setting you up for failure? Your emotions are creating a filter over your perspective of the practicalities in your life, and you may be worrying more than you need to. Yes, the Tooth is saying you need to address any areas in your life that may need to be tidied up a bit, but don’t obsess over it too much. The perfect is the enemy of the good.

Long Bone: Bridging Fall and Winter, the Long Bone says it’s time to prepare for settling in and resting. You have the resources you need, and you’ve worked so hard! You deserve a chance to take a load off for a bit. it doesn’t mean you have to drop everything forever and lose your momentum. But you can coast for a bit and be more ready for whatever will be ahead of you.

Overview: You’re being your own worst enemy here! I know you want to make sure you do things right, but if you get too caught up in the details you’re not gonna go anywhere. So take a deep breath, and let your worries go to the back burner for a bit. Assess the situation with as practical an eye as you can (it’s okay to get an outside perspective if that helps), deal with whatever loose ends need to be attended to, and then focus on setting yourself up for a future that will keep you and yours as sustained as possible in rough times to come.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomamcy Daily Draw – 12-10-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The tooth is crossing over from Summer into Fall. This suggests a maturity in your skills and knowhow, as well as how to communicate them to others. You’ve had plenty of time to practice and refine what you’re able to accomplish, and it’s about to pay off if you can just hold the course. Now obviously what that looks like will depend on a lot of factors outside of your control, but be willing to speak up for yourself based on your experience.

Vertebra: Having just crossed the border into Fall, this bone is saying that you have the resources to be able to see some growth in your life. You did a lot of work to set things up, and now the time is ripe for you to be able to coast on that a while. It doesn’t mean there’s no work to do; a harvest always requires a lot of effort. But your endeavors will pay off more fully if you really go with the opportunities presented to you.

Rib: This one is just about to move from Summer into Fall. That suggests that your feelings are also ready for this expansion into new territory and challenges. You may not always feel 100% confident; that’s normal. But deep down, you wouldn’t be ready to amp things up if you didn’t feel you were capable. Trust your gut on this one; you can do it!

Long Bone: Uh-oh. This bone is in the middle of Winter. That says that something’s keeping you from actually moving on all the possibilities and advancement that the other three bones are talking about. So what’s in your way? It might be things outside of your control that you need to find a way around. Or….you could be your own worst enemy, in which case GET OUT OF YOUR OWN WAY! Do whatever it takes to get the hurdles out of your path and get going already!

Overview: I think it’s pretty clear that you’re ready for a change, but there’s something blocking you. It’s imperative that you figure out what that something is, deal with it as quickly and efficiently as you can, and then get moving on your plans before the opening ahead of you closes up. You know you can do it; you just gotta put things into action.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 12-2-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is settled in the center of Fall. This suggests that your skills of observation and discernment are keen and well-practiced. It doesn’t mean you know everything, but focus especially on those areas where you know you have the experience to back up your confidence. There may be areas where you have to fake it til you make it a little bit because you still doubt yourself even though you know, deep down, you know what you’re doing, but with practice comes true confidence.

Vertebra: This bone fell into Spring, which suggests that on a practical level, you may have some deficits to look after due to having to run through your resources during a lean time. This isn’t necessarily a horrible tragedy, though; it may just be the usual low point in a cycle. Part of what the Tooth may have been asking you to look over carefully is your plan for how to stay afloat until things get better, whether financially or otherwise. Just be smart about it, and play to your strengths, and you’ll likely be just fine.

Rib: The Rib is centered in Summer this time around, which indicates a good time for expressing and exploring your feelings in an active way. You’ll need to balance your exuberance with the Tooth’s more calculating approach, but it’s okay to do some things that make you happy! And in fact joy may be what helps you to squeak through the lean times, because it gives you something to focus on besides whatever’s going wrong. Don’t forget to make room to express other emotions in a healthy way, though. By telling others your needs and where they stem from, you may be able to get the support you need.

Long Bone: This one is bridging Fall and Winter, which suggests a need to take some downtime. I know you’re juggling a lot right now, and you can’t really afford to drop everything. But maybe consider back-burnering a few things that aren’t as crucial at this point. (The Tooth may be helping you figure out your priorities, by the way.) You can’t be go-go-go all the time, because that way lies burnout. So do your best to carve out a space for yourself so you can breathe as you settle into a time of rest and reflection.

Overview: There’s a lot going on here, but hear me out: You need time to rest. You need to accurately assess your resources and how much you have to coast on for a while, while you also try to reduce the pressures on you so you can breathe a little more. Your ability to carefully prioritize what’s most important and set back what can wait a little longer can pair up with your understanding of what will bring you joy and emotional release to help you determine where you need to keep putting your effort so things don’t fall apart completely, but so that you also can ease up on yourself some.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!