Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 11-11-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: Spring has sprung, and that means potential new opportunities! Don’t leap at the first thing that comes your way, though. You’re experienced enough to know that appearances can be deceiving, and you only have so much of yourself to go around. Whether you’re investing time, money, emotions, or other resources, sit back and watch what happens as these possibilities start to come up. Look for those that look especially promising, with a firm foundation to support them.

Vertebra: This bone is crossing over from Spring to Summer. That means that you’re in a good place to take on the aforementioned opportunities. However, there’s risk associated with anything shiny and new and untried, so remember that whatever you choose is just getting started, and you shouldn’t expect it to support itself right away. Summer is a long three months between flower and fruit, and any number of things can go wrong in between. Be prepared to put a lot of effort into whatever you do, with the understanding that success and failure in varying degrees are all possibilities.

Rib: Firmly settled into Fall, this suggest a rich, well-established emotional life. You have matured enough to be able to handle the ups and downs of life, even if you haven’t always done so gracefully. You know how to ride the waves when things get stormy, and even if a few things get knocked down in the process you’re experienced in getting them put back to rights. Use that experience to help you weather any difficulties in new endeavors, and allow yourself to really celebrate and bask in your successes, because that’s what will help rebuild your resilience.

Long Bone: Right in the middle of Summer, this bone suggests that you’re ready and raring to move onto something exciting and new! You already know from what the other bones have said that you need to be highly selective in what avenue you choose, but once you’ve done so you’re prepared to put your all into it. That’s why it’s so important to be really discerning in your choices, so that you maximize your effectiveness instead of throwing yourself into something that’s a lost cause.

Overview: There’s not a lot to say here that I haven’t already covered. Choose wisely, and once it “clicks” into place, run with it. I bet you’ll see some good things come out of it, even if the way there isn’t completely smooth. Best of luck to you!

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 11-5-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: This bone is firmly in Winter. Be mindful of your words today, and don’t promise more than you can reasonably deliver. In fact, you may wish to get more acquainted with the term “No” for a while. You need to be able to preserve what energy and attention you have for matters closer to home, rather than spreading your promises far and wide, and yourself too thinly.

Vertebra: The Vertebra is solidly in Summer, and it overlays the end of the Long Bone. You’re not running low on basic resources, but you should be focused on growth rather than giving away. The time will come when you can share more, but you need to have something to share. So just work on regenerating your stocks and making sure that you’re solid, and don’t worry about being selfish. You’ll be better able to care for others once your own house is in order, so to speak.

Rib: Welp. This one’s all over the place, bridging Spring, Summer AND Fall. I know you may be feeling like you’re pulled in a whole bunch of different directions emotionally right now, and that’s completely understandable! Don’t try to align all those feelings, though. Instead, sit with them wherever they may be at any given moment, and expect plenty of fluctuation. You are completely justified in how and what you feel, so don’t be ashamed of the internal waves.

Long Bone: This bone is in Summer, but just barely crossing over into Fall, with the Vertebra resting on its end. I know you may want to take some action right now, but your common sense is holding you back. Listen to it, okay? You already have a lot in front of you that needs to be dealt with first, so let that be your priority.

Overview: I know right now seems like the best time to take action on behalf of others, and there WILL come a time to do so. But for now, you have a lot going on in your own life that needs attending to, so focus on that, and be patient. If you are in better condition, you will be more able to help others in the future. If you try to go out and be everything to everyone right now, you’re not going to be as effective and you may do yourself some harm in the process.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 10-28-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set! (With a little extra help from my assistant, Pikka–smile for the camera, Pikka!)

Tooth: The Tooth (which is under Pikka’s paw) fell firmly in Fall. Your communication with others should be to urge them to make the most of any windfalls and other resources they have access to, especially if things are going well. This doesn’t mean spend it all, but rather to tuck something into savings, or to invest in something that will be of more value in the future. This is especially important within your own household or other entities where you have some influence, because if you can see trouble in the future, even if it hasn’t begun to manifest, that will make you more prepared for it when it does arrive. Be a vocal advocate for preparedness and looking forward!

Vertebra: This bone was originally in Fall, but Pikka insisted that it be moved to Winter for a more accurate reading. This suggests that matters out of your hands may force things into a more difficult position. You may experience a sudden loss of income, or illness may rob someone of their ability to work and otherwise function for a while. No matter how comfortable we may feel, there is always the element of chance that can take you from comfortable to chaotic in a heartbeat.

Rib: This bone landed in Winter, and I think this is a really good indicator that you need to give your emotions some rest. That doesn’t mean to shut them down, of course. But this has been an incredibly difficult year, and lots of people are feeling pretty frazzled by now. Make some space in your home or somewhere else easily accessible where you can recuperate and relax as best as you can. Allow yourself time to engage in activities that you really enjoy and that are low-pressure. If you are in therapy, make sure you and your therapist are doing work around supporting you as you work through any emotional upsets that may come up in your sessions. This is a time to let the fields lie fallow, not dig up new roots.

Long Bone: Another bone that landed in Fall, this suggests that you are still in a prime position to be taking action for preparedness. This is good, because it means you can make the most of any opportunity that comes your way. Allow yourself to celebrate those opportunities, because they may be thin on the ground in the future.

Overview: We none of us know what each day will bring. We may be going about our business just fine, and then the hand–or paw–of Fate slams down and knocks everyone off kilter. Your job is to be openly advocating for preparing for that possibility. Don’t be paranoid about it, of course, but recognize that change is the only constant, and a long, harsh Winter could be around the corner at any moment. be ready for it, and you could find yourself in a much better place during the storm than many.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 10-21-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is crossing over from Winter into Spring. This is a deceptively treacherous time, because although things may look like they’re improving, you’re not out of the woods yet. Continue to act with caution so that you do not carelessly blunder into a trap. However, it’s okay to be hopeful for a better future! That hope can keep you going even when you’re feeling tired or frustrated. Just remember to temper that excitement with the reality that it ain’t over til it’s over.

Vertebra: This bone is sitting in Summer, which indicates that you’ve been doing a good job with your resources. It’s a really good time to keep building them up, because now that you’ve had a taste of want and lean times, you know what you’re preparing for. Make the most of the windfalls when you get them; rather than squandering them, do your best to pull together what you’ll need the next time things get rough.

Rib: With the Rib going from Fall into Winter, your emotions may be feeling a bit overstimulated, though not necessarily in a bad way. It is really important that you give yourself some downtime to rest, as best as you’re able to, anyway. You’ve been so engaged with your feelings that you may be pushing the borders of burnout. So taker a bit of a breather, and spend some time contemplating and reflecting on where you’ve been.

Long Bone: In Fall, the Long Bone reflected the Vertebra’s call to prepare for tougher times. However, this also indicates that whatever you’ve been doing is working, so keep it up! It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still make adjustments and changes for the better, but something, at least, is making sense, so stick with it. It’s fine to slough off anything that obviously is no longer serving your needs; just don’t be too eager to streamline so that you don’t get rid of something you may need later on.

Overview: This is not a time for hasty actions. You’re older and wiser, and you’ve gained skills and resources that have helped you through difficult times. Use this time to prepare for future challenges while continuing to weather the current situation, and act with care and deliberation rather than fear and anxiety. Above all, make sure you create space for yourself so that you don’t wear yourself into nothingness.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 10-15-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth has landed very close to the center, firmly in Summer and Fall and just edging over toward Winter. This indicates to me that you may need to make decisions regarding several different plates you may be spinning right now, and not all of them may be at the same place progress-wise. Be careful that you don’t rush one thing to try to make it catch up with others; instead, let each situation unfold at its own pace so that it can do so as fully and completely as possible.

Vertebra: Sitting well into Fall, this suggests you have the resources necessary to allow that flexibility. You’ll want to be mindful of how to allocate them, of course, but there shouldn’t be anything you need to completely drop. Just be prepared to adjust the flow of these resources–money, time, attention, whatever they may be–to make sure you aren’t starving off anything important.

Rib: This bone is in Spring, almost falling over the edge! Your feelings may still be raw from previous bad experiences, even though you’re in the recovery period. It’s okay to feel that way! Healing doesn’t happen overnight, and some things may not completely heal for years, or decade, or ever. Give yourself space and patience to process, but also balance that with practicality. Don’t let past mistakes or troubles automatically influence your decisions in the present, as many factors have changed since then.

Long Bone: Like the Tooth, this bone is also bridging Summer and Fall. This is encouraging you to follow up the Tooth’s decisions with swift and decisive action. Now is the time to make your moves–yes, multiple moves–and to put too much focus on one is to starve the others. Instead, try your best to keep all those balls rolling; it’s better to have them all going at sort of the same pace than to push one so far out ahead that you forget the others. If one project needs a little more time to develop than another, give it space; just don’t abandon it entirely.

Overview: There’s a lot going on, but that’s a good thing! It means you have more possibilities at play. Let yourself explore these multiple opportunities and give them energy. You can always go back and prune them back later, once you have a clear idea of which ones may suit you best, but for now don’t cut yourself off.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 10-1-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth in Spring suggests that now is a really good time to figure out how to separate the wheat from the chaff. If you’re going to start a new cycle in your life (even if it’s just a small change) you want to be able to shuck off anything that you don’t need or that will be holding you back. Don’t be chaotic about it, though; instead, be deliberate and mindful. Chase away thoughts of sentimentality for its own sake, but also don’t excise things you enjoy just because you want to remove dead weight. You want to go for quality, not quantity.

Vertebra: Here in Summer, the Vertebra urges us to focus on growth and maintain what is strong and supportive. Hand-in hand with what the Tooth says, if something is working well, don’t get rid of it! Be cautious about changing things that are already pretty functional, too. You don’t want to upset the balance and lose a good resource. Instead, let any changes to what supports you be done in such a way that if a change doesn’t work, you can just undo it and go back to the way things were before you try something else new.

Rib: This bone is also in Summer, with the Vertebra directly on top of it. As the other bones so far have suggested, it’s best to let practicality take precedence over emotions right now. It’s not that you aren’t allowed to feel things, but don’t let those feelings direct your decisions. Instead, find a safe space to work through your emotions and really examine how they motivate you so that they don’t come up from underneath and sabotage your efforts by blinding you to the reality of things.

Long Bone: This bone is in Fall, just about to head into Winter. Your end goal in all this activity should be to prepare for hard times ahead, even if they aren’t exactly on the horizon. The more streamlined your life is, the more agile you’ll be and therefore the more able to adapt to changes as they happen. Sometimes that means having to weather difficulties; however, it also means being able to grab hold of new positive opportunities as they arise.

Overview: This reading is focused on preparing for the future, and making sure that you’re able to respond to changes as they occur. By relieving yourself of the burden of things (physical and otherwise) you no longer need or, worse, weight you down, you’re going to do yourself a huge favor on a lot of levels. Better yet, that opens up space for good new things to come into your life, or at the very least make you less cumbersome when you’re responding to challenges. Just don’t let your emotions panic you into tossing away good things or hanging onto unhealthy ones that you’re too attached to. Be kind to yourself and your heart, but act practically.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 8-20-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The Tooth is firmly in Spring, but with an eye toward Summer. I know Spring seems like a hopeful time, but the hardships aren’t over just yet. Your job is to be the reminder that we still need to be prudent and careful until we’re on more stable ground. It’s not always easy being the harbinger of caution, particularly when everyone is so ready for positive change, but success relies on patience.

Vertebra: The good news is that with this bone just crossing over into Summer, things are falling into place for that positive change to occur. It’s a delicate balance, because some factors are still in limbo and could go either way. If we aren’t going to fall back toward Winter’s harshness and Spring’s lean times, then we need to use what resources we have wisely, and plan for the future that we aren’t yet in.

Rib: This bone being in Spring says that there’s hope in the air, yes, but also fatigue. Flowers are the language of potential, but nothing is promised. If the pollinators are few, or the rains don’t arrive, or the plant is trampled beneath the hooves of some large animal, then there will be no fruit this year. Hope for the best, yes, but also be realistic about the risks. For those who have been through a dire winter and who are exhausted, including emotionally, this hope may be their last chance. They are the ones who need support the most, and for us to not blow this opportunity.

Long Bone: This bone is crossing from Winter into Spring. It’s the last leg of the race, yes, but it’s the hardest, because so much has been used up by now, and Summer’s fruits are still a long way away. Proceed with caution, be steady but not foolhardy. A good pace is better than a burnout sprint. If we can find a good balance we’ll make it okay; we just have to keep it consistent. That may be a tall order, though.

Overview: Spring is lovely, spring is fine, but it is only the possibility of Summer, not the fruition. Our goal needs to be to continue the caution we had in the Winter. We can express joy and relief at the warmer temperatures, while understanding that we must still coast on the resources of the past as things are just getting started for what’s to come. But if we are wise, we will make it through; we just have to trust that everyone involved will make the right choices.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 8-12-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The tooth is heading steadily into the midst of summer. Now is the time to be open and full in your communication. You will need all the wise words and strength in your voice to achieve your goals, but you’ve spent a long time preparing for this, too. Let us hope that your words will bear fruit, and lead to constructive actions in your favor.

Vertebra: As this bone crosses from Fall into the very beginning of Winter, know that you have the resources that you need to help buoy you through the hard times that may be ahead. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re about to drop of the edge of the cliff. Rather, rest assured that when things get tough, you will have what you need in order to get through. Just don’t do anything too incredibly foolish in the meantime to set yourself off course, if at all possible.

Rib: Heading into Spring and shaking off the very last of Winter, this indicates a time for a renewal of emotions. Nothing ever stays the same, and while change can be disruptive it can also be an opportunity for a fresh start. Allow yourself to let go of the past and focus on the present. Bring your emotions into the moment, and let them flower into forms that speak to what you feel now, not yesterday or last year.

Long Bone: This bone is firmly in fall, and acts as a barrier to the vertebra potentially backsliding, as well as pushing it forward into the next season. Your momentum should be toward being prepared for the long haul, and don’t let any hitches with your resources keep you from focusing on that future. Even if you have to work a little harder to make very sure that you’re ready for what’s next, let your energy be poured into that effort.

Overview: It’s time to leave the past behind, and be present in the here and now. No more keeping silent about what needs to be done; no more squandering precious resources on things that are unnecessary. Instead, ground yourself in this moment, and affirm your desire to look forward, not back. Who knows what lies ahead? All that’s for sure is that you won’t be ready for it if you stay stuck in yesterday’s news.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 8-5-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: Solidly in Winter, the Tooth indicates this is a time to be sitting back and digesting what you’ve already taken in. Look back at everything that has happened to bring you to where you are now. What decisions have you made that were in your favor? Which ones could have been handled better? Meditate on that, and where you might do better in the future. Don’t beat yourself up, though, or fall into bitterness and regret. Just focus on sorting things out into “This worked, that didn’t.”

Vertebra: This is not a good time to be throwing your resources around willy-nilly. Since the Vertebra is fully in Winter, it’s best if you were very careful with what you have, working to make it last. You don’t know for sure when the next windfall may happen, and you don’t want to run out of whatever you need to keep going. Don’t starve yourself. Just be sensible in your choices.

Rib: this bone is mostly in Winter, but just starting to peek into Spring. Allow yourself some hope for a brighter, more fruitful future, for Winter won’t last forever. It doesn’t mean that you should just throw caution to the wind. You still need to be careful, and remember that this is a risky time. But allow yourself that spark of light in the future to guide you forward.

Long Bone: Like the Rib, the Long Bone is also mostly in Winter, but a little into Spring. Start getting yourself motivated to create positive change in your life. You can try planning out ideas, daydreaming, even making a few inquiries with people and other entities who may be able to help you in future endeavors. Don’t make any hasty moves; as with the Rib, you’re still in a time of stasis and cautiousness. But it’s okay to let yourself get excited about possibilities.

Overview: Now is not the time to make big sweeping changes. You need to keep things steady for now, and use as few resources as possible. Play it cautious, but not unreasonably so. However, it’s okay to balance that out with some thoughts and ideas for a better future, even if there’s not a whole lot you can do about it right now. That hope will keep you buoyed even though rough waters, and perhaps someday soon enough you’ll get to see where that light in the distance is coming from.

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!

Pocket Osteomancy Daily Draw – 7-30-20

Today’s reading is with my Pocket Osteomancy set!

Tooth: The tooth is in spring, but just on the cusp of summer. If you have something you’ve been thinking about putting into motion for a while, this may be the best time to do so. Make sure that you have thoroughly “chewed” on it, though, because you want to be absolutely sure you’re ready. It’s okay to take a little more time to think and plan before you make the first real move.

Vertebra: Solidly in fall, this bone is showing that you have the resources necessary for this endeavor, because your hard work has paid off. You want to maintain balance, though; don’t blow everything on the Shiny New Endeavor! Make sure you put something back for the future, in case this doesn’t end up working out, so that you’re not left with nothing.

Rib: Your heart is really in this, isn’t it! The Rib in Spring shows that you are emotionally open to something new and exciting, and this would certainly fit the bill. Just make sure you balance it out with the Tooth’s careful planning, because you don’t want to let your emotions blind you to important practical considerations.

Long Bone: Sitting in Spring, this bone is mainly reiterating what the others have already said: you’re ready to make your move. Be mindful of the path ahead of you; you want to watch your footing as the way is not without its hazards. Trust your previous experiences and the skills you’ve learned in navigating sometimes tricky terrain, and you should be okay. Just make sure you keep all your senses keen and aware.

Overview: This seems like a really great time to try something new (in case you hadn’t already gotten that!) The Rib and Long Bone being so close together indicate that your heart is led in part by what you have learned and done in the past, so you’re not just floating around on pipe dreams. The Tooth getting ready to cross to Summer says that you need to be sure of your plan, but the other bones show that everything is basically in place. That Vertebra up in Fall says “Go for it, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” So I’d say that if you really do have your ducks in a row, it’s a good time to make change happen!

You can order the Pocket Osteomancy divination set and book at http://thegreenwolf.com/books/pocket-osteomancy/ and you can get a Pocket Osteomancy reading at http://www.thegreenwolf.com/readings/– and yes, even if you don’t have a Paypal account you CAN use the Paypal option to pay with a debit or credit card!